Beta Test the Future of Impact Investing with the PGF Web3 Launchpad

The PIPE General Fund Launchpad Test-Net Announcement

March 21, 2024

Beta Test the Future of Impact Investing with the PGF Web3 Launchpad

The PIPE General Fund (PGF) is a real-world impact web3 launchpad focused on bringing University Lab innovations that could change the world to market, it is the first protocol of the PIPE gDAO ReFi (regenerative finance) ecosystem.

By bridging the gap between web3 retail investors and university lab innovators inventing whose projects are focused on societal, commercial and environmental impact. This is done via The PIPE Company OU (PIPE), our real-world impact partner’s LabtoIPO platform with it’s novel QED process for turning academic lab innovations into high impact and viable start-ups.

The PGF Launchpad is the funding mechanism for the PIPE’s platform and aims to democratise access to early-stage impact start-ups opportunities for retail investors using the power of web3 technology. For a deep dive into our ecosystem, you read our white paper here.

We have built a test-net beta for the PGF Launchpad, and we need your feedback so we can launch the main-net version of the product as soon as possible. Your feedback is critical to making web3 funding for the up to 83% of European Union Universities that never see the light of day due to the current VC dominated funding model for start-ups.

This is an opportunity for you to make a difference through science and blockchain and support breakthrough discoveries with your crypto.

To become a beta tester do as follows:


You will need an Ethereum Wallet , Metamask is recommended.

You will need to use Google Chrome with the pop up blockers disabled.

1. First you need to go to the test ETH, you can get it here

2. Click connect wallet so that the faucet app can detect the network and your wallet address

3. Paste your wallet address into the faucet app

4. login and select that you would like to receive sepolia testnet ETH

5. Verify you are human

6. Click on send request and the tokens are transferred from the faucet to your wallet address

7. Once you have the test ETH in your wallet you can partake in the PiPe gDAO, if you find that you are struggling to complete these steps and obtain test eth please join our discord and one of our helpful on hand staff can walk you through the process and help assign you roles

8. Visit the Launchpad platform discover the impact projects we are backing

9. Connect your wallet agree to all our Terms and Conditions

10. Test out the investing function

11. “Get Involved” by joining the PIPE platform and seeing the disclosures for any impact projects you like in in full.

12. Give us your feedback using the form that pops up in a new window at the end of your test on the platform

13. Join our discord ad open a support ticket to make sure you get the "PGF Launchpad Beta Tester" role to be eligible for your early adopter rewards when the main-net Launchpad and gDAO protocols are launched.

14. Share your excitement at becoming one of our early adopters on X (formerly Twitter) and other social media.

The first 250 respondents that leave detailed and quality feedback will get the best rewards so don’t get left behind by being complacent! Ideally, we are looking for tech-savvy early adopters that are experienced in using crypto currency and dApps (decentralised applications) as beta testers.

If you are non-crypto native but still tech savvy with ideas and innovations that propose significant commercial and/or societal impact, then you are also welcome, and we can help you onboard into the crypto world via discord channel. Early adopters get the best rewards since time in memorial, PGF members are no exception.

Rewards including lifetime discounts on Launchpad and ecosystem fees and much more.

Become an early adopter now and reap the rewards of being in the know before everyone else and help build a better world with web3!